Why Cely#

Cely's goal is to add a secure login system into your app in under 30 seconds!


Most applications that work with Keychain Services, use it to store sensitive information such as user credentials and tokens. When working with Keychain, you typically would find yourself using a framework like KeychainAccess, Locksmith, or keychain-swift. Even tutorials from some of the most reputable online resources encourage the use of these frameworks. Even Apple provides a wrapper around keychain.

This is no coincidence either, Keychain Service is apart of Apple's lower level Security Framework which is written in C. I too would encourage you to use a framework instead of interfacing with this API directly. There's no need to reinvent the wheel when working with this API. But if you must, I suggest you bookmark osstatus.com to help you decipher all the possible OSStatus error codes your app will encounter.

But storing information securely is only one half of the solution, the other half is building a Login system. This Login system will be an entirely different part of your codebase that will be responsible for interacting with your application's UIWindow, handle abrupt login status change (redirect to login screen), update Keychain, etc.

This is where Cely comes in, it solves both problems by combining these two entirely different bits of functionality into one seamless all-in-one solution.

🚤 Add login functionality in a fraction of the time
🔏 Store user information securely with Keychain
📖 100% open source under the MIT license
☄️ Battle tested architecture
👶 Simple and intutive API design
⚖️ Easily Add/Remove from existing codebase 🤗

Questions and support#

Before submitting a new GitHub issue, please make sure to search for existing issues.

If that doesn't help, please submit an issue on GitHub and provide information about your application setup.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.