
Protocol for an object to implement to allow Cely have access to the properties associated to a user.

protocol CelyUser {
    /// Enum of all the properties you would like to save for a model
    associatedtype Property : RawRepresentable
// Usage
import Cely

struct User: CelyUser {

  enum Property: CelyProperty {
    case token = "token"


In the case you need more control of how user information is stored, you can set the .storage CelyOption in Cely.setup(...) to an object that conforms to CelyStorageProtocol.

/// Protocol a storage class must abide by in order for Cely to use it
public protocol CelyStorageProtocol {
    func set(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String, securely secure: Bool, persisted persist: Bool) -> Result<Void, CelyStorageError>
    func get(_ key: String) -> Any?
    func removeAllData()


A protocol for an object to conform to in order to customize Cely's default login screen. Since all methods are optional, Cely will use the default value for any unimplemented methods.

/// Protocol that allows styles to be applied to Cely's default LoginViewController
public protocol CelyStyle {
    func backgroundColor() -> UIColor
    func textFieldBackgroundColor() -> UIColor
    func buttonBackgroundColor() -> UIColor
    func buttonTextColor() -> UIColor
    func appLogo() -> UIImage?


A protocol for an object to conform to in order to customize transitions between home and login screens.

/// Handles Animations between Home and Login ViewControllers
public protocol CelyAnimator {
    func loginTransition(to destinationVC: UIViewController?, with celyWindow: UIWindow)
    func logoutTransition(to destinationVC: UIViewController?, with celyWindow: UIWindow)